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Re: Radio in 200

In a message dated 97-11-05 13:50:02 EST, Ti wrote

<< We speak of Bose systems in our cars as if they are all one and the
 same.  They are NOT!  What's called "Bose" vary greatly from model
 to model and there were some pretty bad ones, and some that are not
 too bad.
 I am quite the audiophile and I am generally quite critical about
 Bose speakers, their home systems in particular.  However, the "Bose"
 system in my A4q is actually not too bad.  It's not top notch by
 any means, but it's good enough to me to keep.  I do have to turn up
 the treble to restore some of the tonal balance, and there is some
 nasality in the midrange, but overall, not a bad system as far as
 factory-stock systems go....<SNIP>...
Because of malfunctions, I'm faced with replacing the bose radio in my v8q.
IMHO It is one of the better bose systems that I've heard. It seems to me to
be a very powerful unit. Is there any data comparing the different bose
systems that audi puts in their cars, ie power ratings etc.?
If you replace it with a non bose radio, are there problems with the fact the
speakers are separately amplified?

'90 v8q with radio behaving badly