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Re: EGT, another horse with a "trigger"

>>>>One liner posts with
outrageous claims don't fulfill that objective (learning yours as claimed).
Now it has testosterone?  You, Eric, Corky Bell, Ned, Randall, McInnes, Smith,
Rahal, Haas, anyone here or in "engines" can post my ignorance to what I
presented in all those posts.<<<<<

To my knowledge, no post has called you ignorant---presumptuous, yes, wrong on egt's, yes, ignorant?  Your word not mine. 
>>>>Happy to discuss EGT offline Bruce.  I can easily show that you are off with
your conventional thinking applied to turbos, the "cows" aren't home yet.<<<<

Why post this stuff to the list then?  You know my address.

>>>>Some questions:  What is the byproduct of compressing a gas?<<<<<

Several possibilities, but, I'll take a flier and say, uh, heat? 
>>> Again your baseline presentation here is the claim is correct (26psi et. al.) and EGT confirms it, with your butt calibrator.<<<

I said nothing about boost; egt's were great, car was faster than RS2 I rode in.  Said nothing else, check the posts.  Btw, how can egt's confirm a boost?
>>>Obviously, you and others have some preconcieved "notions" of engine theory
that lead you to believe that my and Dave's "numbers" aren't correct.  That
baseline needs to occur before this can move to the next level.<<<<<

I said nothing about the math.  Dave's tenor and calculations both impressed me.  My "notions" of engine theory are well accepted among engine builders, I cannot claim them as my own.  You say egt's are irrelevant [claim].  That's cool man.  You are entitled to any view you like.  I'd say all other temps are irrelevant too, if you are correct, but I won't go that way.  

>>>  I'm game. Are you?<<<<

Oh yeah.
