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Vacuum-leak question...please clarify
In message <0716D052C1CFD0119D280060979FBE9A0D5FCF@a1.matrix.com.pl> Aleksander Mierzwa writes:
> Vacuum leaks create lean condition. When you have no vacuum leaks
> removing the disptick will cause the engine to run lean, but not enough
> to make it stall. If you already have vacuum leaks, the additional leak
> through the dipstick makes it run so lean it stalls.
Well, the vacuum leaks actually create a _rich_ condition, in a way.
What happens is that the tech who sets up the car dials in a richer setting to
compensate for the leak. Audi, BTW, _insist_ that the breathers be
disconnected and plugged. But if the car already has a large leak, the mixture
will have been set rich to get an acceptable idle CO value. Adding more leak
to an existing leak makes less difference than adding leak where none was
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club