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Re: location of rear antenna amplifier in 1990 200 TQW
On: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 15:26:20 -0500, David Lawson wrote:
>Running down the list on the 200 TQW and
>searching for why the rear fog light doesn't
>work and why the rear defroster doesn't
>work. [ ... ] Switch on the rear defroster,
>switch light comes on and I get 11.09V
>at the connector. Move to the input to the
>window and get the same 11.09V. Move to
>the other side of window and see .11V.
>Resistance across window appears to
>be 4 ohm. Do these values seem OK?
>And then why doesn't the defroster work?
(11^2)/4 gives you about 30 watts. This
strikes me as a tad wimpy to warm that
big hunk of glass. How many ohms does
Bentley call for?
DeWitt Harrison de@aztek-eng.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq