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Re: Hakka Source?

Jeff: two sources I know of:  Greer Enterprises, Milwaukee, WI (414)
545-2296: I've bought two sets of Hakkas from Pat Greer in the past (in '84
and '89) and spoke with him a couple of weeks ago re Hakka 1s; he is a
reputable guy.   Second, G&G Service, also in Wisconsin, (414) 628-1716.  I
haven't dealth with them but believe they're also reputable from what I
hear through the Saab club.

>From: Jeff Fithian <jfithian@worldnet.att.net>
>Subject: Hakka source?
>Does anybody know where I can purchase some Nokia Hakkas (I won't even
>attempt to spell the whole word)?  I haven't been able to find a source
>in the usual places (i.e. mail order tire dealers in C&D, R&T, etc...).
>Are they still being sold in the US?