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Re: Dead Italians by the side of the road...
In a message dated 97-11-14 10:12:24 EST, audidudi@mindspring.com writes:
<< Subj: Dead Italians by the side of the road...
Date: 97-11-14 10:12:24 EST
From: audidudi@mindspring.com (Jeffrey J. Goggin)
Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
Last night, driving home from work, I drove by not one but TWO dead Ferraris
on the side of the road: a bright yellow 348 and a red 512 TR! I don't know
why I found this amusing but it's nice to know that not all Ferrari owners
treat their cars as garage queens...
_ _
/ | _| o | \ _| o Jeffrey Goggin
/__| | | / | | __ | | | | / | | audidudi@mindspring.com
/ | |_| \_| | |_/ |_| \_| | http://people.delphi.com/audidudi >>
Jeff, I remember a couple of years ago watching the 24hr at daytona, one
of the banners said (as the camera panned to the crowd) " All ferrari 's are
Dead! Hi Mom"
Porsche went on to win.... Reminds me of the movie : No mans Land where the
one guys says (They were ripping off cars) What about this car? pointing to a
308... The other guy replied "Italian trash Besides I only steal Porsches"..
BTW That's how Lamborgini got its start, after the war he took old tanks and
turned them into farm tractors, Made a fortune, when he made his money he
went out to buy a supercar, after purchasing a Ferrari, he thought It was
P.O.S. and started his own company!
Just a story thought you might like, you must live in a pretty well-to-do
area to see that many Ferrari's... The town I live in, a Fancy car is one
that the SKOAL sticker is not faded!!!! :-)