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Compression method suggestions, test procedure step by step
Here is what you do:
remove timing belt from engine
turn ignition on (extremely important to have a batt. in a good state of
charge, preferably connected to an 100AMP charger)
attempt to start car (remember car will not start, since you took the
timing belt off..)
keep cranking for 30 seconds
if engine spins freely and NO mechanical noises (of any kind) are heard,
car has low compression engine
if a LOT of noise is heard (mechanical), car engine has higher compression
and engine is interference engine (almost all engines are nowadays)
The above method is a proven method (NOT, BTDT......), although rather
costly at times, I know and used other methods but the above method is
Of course you can always ask Phil, he always seems to know...... and he
might tell you without using the above method, just remember that even if
you received an answer from Phil, I still maintain the superiority of the
above method (although I admit that it only tells you if the engine is
interference or not......), if you must know the exact compression ratio
(providing that Phil does not provide you with the answer),I can tell you
how to do it either via calculating it, or CCing (that's how it used to be
called in the trade), on the other end, I might leave that to Scott
(Qship), he seems to have been raised in a Quattro cradle
I hope i was able to be of help, if further assistance is needed, Please do
not hesitate to ask.....
At 01:32 PM 11/15/97 +0200, you wrote:
>> >What year did they change the CR of the MC?
>> In the US, the 5000tq badging reverted to the standard 200 in
>> model year 1989. The MC engine was carried over into the 200 but
>> with the increased compression ratio. The 3B engine was adopted in 1991.
>Higher compression = higher power output, yes? My model is a 1990
>Audi Turbo, South African model of the US 200. Since this damn country
>can get so backwards and since the Turbo was an import into this
>country how can I go about checking the compression ratio on this
>thing? I think the best would just be to check the compression
>pressures on it (ie, remove plug and put in gauge in the normal fashion
>of compression checking) and compare it to a 200 with the MC engine
>with higher compression that you speak of.
>Does anyone have the measured compression pressures for the MC engine
>of the 200 with the higher compression ratios? I'd just like to
>check if this thing I have is the older MC of the 5000tq or the
>one put into the first 200s.
>"a thousand miles from here, there is another person smiling"
>1990 Turbo (200T)
>name : gerard van vught
>tel : +27-57-912 2658 (w) / 082 923 9609 (cell)
>url : http://www.acenet.co.za/homepages/gerard/
>e-mail : gerard@poboxes.com / han.solo@galaxycorp.com
> gerard@acenet.co.za / van_vught@frg.issi.co.za