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Finally -- bought a Q
Like the subject says, I finally purchased a Quattro-enabled vehicle,
namely an Alpine White 87 4000 CS Quattro.
In the two hour drive home from the private party that I bought her
from, she was solid and reassuring on the highway and in the slight
(read: REALLY slight) city traffic of Iowa City. Let us just say that
even though the radio doesn't work worth crap, I really didn't need it
to keep me awake on the boring roads. :)
Spent some time in the waning hours of daylight on Friday to more
closely survey my purchase. I need a new stereo, speakers, passenger
visor, a small chunk of the black lower grill insert on the driver's
side, and one rear door handle. Other than those cosmetics, things
looked GOOD.
Took her out in the evening to grab some take-out pizza, and was
delighted to find that ALL interior lights are functioning, including
the window switches front and rear :) (a small hallelujah there) But
the real smile came to my face when I pulled out of the drive to find a
couple inches of fresh snow on the ground ( a BIG hallelujah there ).
SMILES and SMILES all around as I picked my way through the mess of the
Midwest weather with some quattro sure-footedness. Sure, she needs 4
new tires, but still... nothing like AWD.
So, I'm just posting this little recap to:
1) inform everyone that I am now Q-enabled
2) personally thank EVERYONE for helping me choose the RIGHT car for
me. I can't say yet, but I think my new Q and I will be very happy
together. Sure, I could have made a purchase without the wisdom of the
list, but I doubt I would have felt so sure about it without the
(sometimes constant) questions that I posed.
I am glad to be a part of this list, because I think it will ultimately
make me a better car owner, Quattro, Audi, or otherwise.
It's my first quattro, and I'm sure it will NOT be my last.
Again, my sincere thanks to everyone....
87 4kcsq (wow, been waiting to put that there...)