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Re: Re: quattro-digest V4 #1366

11/18/97 6:17 AM Paul Timmerman

>I think you were also banging on water injection, air to water
>intercoolers, and spray bars.  Using the patented "If it works
>it must be right logic" that regularly spews from the mouth-
>piece of "The Gateway to the West, would you say that the 
>Ford Escot Cosworth Mk II with water injection and spray bars 
>and 400+ HP is cheesey? Phil, I think the honor of Boreham's 
>finest has been put into question!

Apples and oranges Paul.......  Race car to street car.  Show me a Street 
car that comes from the factory with Spray bars and Water 


Eric Fletcher S.O.C.
'87 5KCSTQ with WAY too many toys.....

According to Einstein, the faster you go, the longer you live.

St. Louis, MO