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'Broquet Fuel Catalyst'

We've just received a mailshot from the manufacturers of the Broquet Fuel
Catalyst - a staggering and telepathic device that seems to transform the fuel 
in your tank into _exactly_ what your engine needs it to be.  This thing needs 
no batteries or input of any kind (except $$$ to a post-office box) in order to 
work its magic - which includes better mpg, cleaner exhaust, and adapting 
engines designed for leaded petrol to unleaded petrol.

In fact, there is no desirable transformation of the input fuel that this thing 
does _not_ do, instantly.  Without you even having to tell it _what_ to do.

I found a couple of interesting web sites via Dejanews - is there any other 
literature available?  

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club