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Re: RAC Rally.

Graham Thackrah wrote:
> If any folks are going to the RAC and need a place to stay then for the Tuesday,
> or even the Monday for that matter, my place is fairly close and you would be
> more than welcome to stay. The Margam stage on the Tuesday is the closest to
> Swansea being about 10 miles away. I am definately going to the Silverstone
> stage on Sunday and a couple of the Monday stages. Unfortunately I may not be
> able to get to the Tuesday stages, even though they are closer, due to the fact
> I really ought to do some work at some stage this month.
> Mail to let me know.
> Cherio,
> Graham.

Hi Graham. 
I will be flying from New York Citty on Thursday night to Manchester.
I have made arrangements for accomodations in Cheltenham, but would like 
to get together with you to spectate. I was planning to go to the race 
track on Friday and Saturday and than to spectate all three days.
Please let me know where and when I can meet you.

Mike Zamikhovsky