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RE: A4 headlights - Differences?

98 A4s use 3 bulbs per side.  Two H7s and one H1.  The H7s are for high
and low, with the H1 being the fog.  I don't know of any higher wattage
H7s for sale. (55W).  Anybody know where we can find H7s in 65w and/or

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jonathan Linkov [SMTP:valiumnj@email.msn.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 19, 1997 3:21 PM
> To:	quattro
> Subject:	A4 headlights - Differences?
> OK, so I get the Imparts catalog in the mail and, lo and behold, they
> are
> selling "New Blue Halogen Bulbs"!  So, I see that they have H-1
> through H-4
> and some 9004, etc.   But, what interests me are the H1, H-4 etc.
> What is
> the difference?  I am guessing the H-1 is a High Beam only, while the
> H-4
> are hi/low.  And I heard that if you go to one bulb different that you
> can
> fry the wires, etc.  Can someone give me a clue here (I may be asking
> a lot,
> I know!) but could I go for an 80/100w H-4 without frying wires?  I
> think
> that the stock A4 low beams, in a word, SUCK.  (sorry to offend the
> clean
> and decent).  But they do.  So, can I get those cool blue lights (they
> aren't the REAL cool blue ones like on M-B and Lincolns, but, big
> deal) with
> a brighter low beam?  All help is VERY appreciated (I'll even take the
> results and write a FAQ for JET's A4 page!).
> Thanks, sorry to ramble!
> Jon Linkov
> valiumnj@msn.com
> '96 A4q