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Low Beam - CRUD????

In message <UPMAIL06.199711200859340556@classic.msn.com> "Mark Pickering" writes:

> A quick question for those who have the Euro light set-up in their cars. I've 
> thought for some time that my low beams do need supplementing in some way or 
> form, currently in the form of driving with the front fogs on.

Come towards _me_ with your front fogs on, on a clear day, and I'll demonstrate 
what 540 watts of pure power looks like.  I _hate_ people driving round with 
fog lights on.  They're less sharply angled down than dipped lights, and MUCH 
more likely to dazzle others.

> This prompted 
> my brother in law (an ex-copper) to casually state that during the Christmas 
> season they actively stop people in the UK who use their fog's for extra light 
> source (something to do with alcohol vs. reduced visibility).

Absolutely true.  Northamptonshire Police have standing instructions to stop 
any car showing front or rear fog lights in clear weather if they have the 
opportunity.  The Chief Inspector of the Traffic Division lives here in the 
village, and told me himself.  And the reason is correct, too.  It _is_ a 
'moving traffic offence' within the meaing of the Act.

> So during the 
> last fix at the Alternator shop, I asked if I could do anything for my lights 
> 'like bigger man<G>". He casually looked at the lenses and said that the light 
> was being dissipated due to the cr*p on the reflectors and the sandblasting of 
> the lenses by the environment, so bigger bulbs wouldn't help that much.

Two things - an auxiliary wiring harness to run them with heavy gauge wire 
directly from the alternator.  Saves a long cable run and gives you about .25v 
more at the lights.  Second thing - bigger bulbs.  I ride behind 2 x 100/170 
and 2 x 100 watts.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club