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Body Panels

In message <971120214557_260128962@mrin53.mail.aol.com> ECP4NOW@aol.com writes:

> Could anyone, tell me of a good source for Audi body panels, I am doing some
> work on my '83 Ur-Q.  
> I was wondering if Phil Payne or any of our UK friends would have a source.
>  After all there were over 11000 Ur-Q's shipped to the UK, and fewer then 750
> shipped to North America.  

11000 is the total world wide production figure.  We have about 950 ur-quattros 
remaining in the UK from a total import figure of around 2500.

Sanburn is the best source for panels, but they're really an 'appear in person' 
outfit.  They're difficult to deal with on the phone (they rarely even answer 
it) and they can be slapdash in shipping stuff.  At least one fellow lister has 
had a disappointment - even though I took the trouble to drive over and view 
the panels they were going to ship, it all went pear-shaped in the end and he 
received a sub-standard panel.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club