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High Mileage Stuff (No Audi content)

I liked the comment about the Vette with over 100K on it that finally 
"became fun to drive".

This summer we stopped in Jackson Hole, Wyo.  (incredibly lovely spot 
with most interesting history...) and watched the poseurs with 
Harleys line up around the town square.  Amazing how many Harleys we 
saw hile driving through New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming...about 
8 of 10 of them with California plates, some even having CHASE 
vehicles!!!  All the riders were wearing black leather, including 
bike chaps....just decked out in "bike chic".

And parked on the swquare in Jackson Hole, in the midst of this 
gleaming airbrushed machinery and black leather clothing (much of it 
on dentists, etc., I'm sure...) was ONE single-color older Harley 
which needed a wash, showed wear on the paint, and had obviously been 
ridden hard and long.  It wasn't beat, just showed years of use.

Guess which rider I would have been interested in meeting?  You got 
Al Powell, PhD             Ph:  409/845-2807
Ag Communications          Fax: 409/862-1202
Texas A&M University