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<Audi> Help! Intake leak
My 1990 200tqw has suddenly developed what seems to be a huge intake leak
under boost. At boost over a couple psi (around 1.1 bar) it starts making
the loud metallic hissing sound (at least it covers up my fuel pump noise
<grin>). The normal suspects (Michelin man hose; WGFV hoses, etc. etc.)
all seem to be fine (I pulled them and checked for leaks). Waving around
propane at various hoses under the hood to find a leak turned up nothing.
The idle screw in the intake manifold (above the Michelin man hose) is in
Other symptoms: higher than normal idle (although it is steady). When
letting off the throttle under boost, you get a weird 'hiccup'; the
drivetrain jerks then smooths out (almost like feeling a harsh auto trans
shifting gears). Boost is slow to spool up. I first noticed the symptom
after backing out of the throttle after hard acceleration to 70mph (merging
on an interstate). Under gentle acceleration things seem normal, however.
What else should I check? Wastegate? Or could I have blown the
intercooler? I checked the intercooler to see if I had blown off the side
tanks, but visual inspection and yanking at them didn't reveal any
weaknesses. The clips seemed to all be there. I figured the tanks would
have physically moved, but is the normal failure more subtle?
I appreciate any help. I need to drive this car for a 5-hour trip up to
New Jersey on Wednesday, so I've got to get it fixed ASAP..thanks!...SLM
Steve Manning: stephenm@ix.netcom.com
...Physical home: Metro D.C. area, USA
.....Virtual home: http://www.stationwagon.com