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RE: 5k Euro Headlights
From: "Rudy Consolacion" <rconsolacion@kumhotech.com>
Okay all of you Euro light experts. I just got my new lights from
Metrix and have a few questions.
What type of bulb goes in the "parking light" socket?
This is where you put the H3. Didn't you get bulbs from Metrix while you were at it?
There's a small socket for a bulb under the headlight bulb. What
goes there?
Some single-filament low-wattage job. I picked a likely candidate out on the basis of approximate socket size, and they fit. Seem to be about seven different bulb part numbers at the store that look approx. the same.
I assume the top adjustment knob on the rear of the assembly adjusts
the horizontal position of the reflector and the bottom one adjusts
the vertical. What is the purpose of the grey-colored adjuster on
the bottom knob? Looks like it's designed to stay in either the up
or down position.
Seems to me that's where the cockpit-adjustable headlight aiming cable would attach. Or you could set them up so you flip the adjuster to compensate for the large amount of lead you just loaded in the trunk, should that ever happen - easy except for that pesky shroud in front of the radiator.
I have the connectors and rubber boots for the plug. Is there a
special type of female terminal to use or is it just a standard 1/4"
Standard ones fit, but see Peter Henriksen's detailed report in the archives (mid-1996) for Audi part numbers that fit in the connector and boot.
I will be running 80/100W H4's and have relays in hand. Any other
wiring suggestions will help. TIA!
I ground the edges off a standard male terminal enough to fit into the 9004 receptacle, that's how I turn my relays on and leave the sockets there if I ever need to put the DOTs back (only if I move somewhere there are official-type inspections...).
Rudy C.
Henry Harper
1991 200 quattro, 79k, euros, still dithering over Bilsteins
1988 GTI 16v, 173k, euros, Bilsteins, has torn its steering rack boot to spite me for getting the quattro