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Fuel pump problems - continued

In message <34794092.7E83D932@poboxes.com> Gerard writes:

> > Dead or missing pump silencer thingy? Dead/missing fuel pressure accumulator?
> > Non-standard pump mount, i.e. mount not made of soft rubber isolation stuff?
> > System pressure too low (regulator shooting too much fuel back to tank making
> > pump work too hard.)?
> What are the checking and verification procedures for these?

You have to attach a fuel system pressure gauge to check system pressure and 
pressure retention after shutoff.   The silencer and mounting bushes are 
physical inspection items.  It's quite common to find the mounting bushes 
rotted away and the pump carrier held on with a tie-wrap.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club