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PIAA Ion Crystal on low beam, clear on high...same bulb??

     While searching for PIAA's web site I found the following, taken from
the SE-R list....

>PIAA Group Deal
>•To: se-r@deskmedia.com •Subject: PIAA Group Deal •From: 
>DJCBULLA@aol.com •Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 09:29:01 -0500 •Reply-To: 
>DJCBULLA@aol.com •Sender: owner-se-r-reflective@dm2.deskmedia.com 
>Here's a listing of the available PIAA Ion Crystal Bulbs and their wattage
>high/low beam
>60/55 watt (stock)    $39.95 each (list price)
>80/75 watt               $49.95 each (these are the ones I have on my se-r)
>110/85 watt             $49.95 each
>135/90 watt             $59.95 each
>150/100 watt           $69.95 each
>The above bulbs are Ion Crystal on both regular and high beam settings.
>The bulbs below are Ion Crystal on low beam, and clear on high beam:
>80/75 watt               $49.95 each
>110/85 watt             $49.95 each
>135/90 watt             $59.95 each
>150/100 watt           $69.95 each
>   All of the above bulbs are standard H4 bulbs and will fit in the factory
>headlight socket with no modification. Install takes about 5 min.
>   E-mail me if you want in on the deal. The "group" price will depend on
>many people want the lights. I also carry the complete PIAA line of driving
>'94 SE-R

     Is that possible? Do they have H4s that are Ion Crystal while on low
beam and then clear on high beam!?! Because if so, I will definitely start
saving for those Euro lights that house H4s! BTW, if they are a reality, how
do they work - does the higher wattage simply overpower the Ion Crystal
coating? Also, this Nissan fanatic states they fit in his stock sockets....do
the SE-Rs have H4s or are they 9004s? H4s will not simply plug into 9004
sockets, right?? Does any lister have experience with these bulbs in their
headlamps? Sorry if I'm behind on the bulb technology. Thanks much.

P.S. Does any one of you list/web masters have PIAA's web site address? I
cannot seem to find it. I can find plenty of sites that are authorized
dealers of PIAA lamps, but I've been unable to find PIAA's actual homepage.

Allan Jones
'86 Commemorative Design Edition Coupe GT