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New guy with a problem
Hello! I signed up yesterday and I am looking forward to exchanging
information with everybody. I've been searching for a place to get a couple
of answers about my German-built vehicles.
I currently am driving an 88 VW Quantum with the 5-cylinder which I
believe is identical to the Audi 5k engine. I also have a 5ks "project" car
that I got in trade for a motorcycle. The engine had seized due to lack of
oil and the deal came with another engine from a wreck. The car has a
5-speed transmission while the engine from the wreck was an automatic. The
problem I am having is with the pilot bearing swap. The bearing for the
auto is a plain "bushing" that seems to be machine-pressed into the crank
while the standard has a needle bearing style pilot. I cannot come up with
an easy way to remove the pressed-in bushing so that I may replace it with
the bearing for the 5-speed. Someone did suggest a slide hammer, but there
is no ridge to attach it to behind the bushing....the crank is not visible
through the center of the bushing. I hope someone knows a quick way to fix
this because I have a new clutch ready to go and I am looking forward to
driving my "new" car!