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re:bomb recharge procedure???

Phil Rose sed:
>I imagine that Audi had also given that approach some thought, but one
>reason it's not done probably has to do with the difficulty of engineering
>a small valve for recharging at 2000 psi. While that pressure is routinely
>available and handled well by gas cylinders and their valves, the valves
>are pretty beefy hunks of brass. Something along the lines of a Schraeder
>valve would be pretty ambitious for that pressure.

There is a line of Schrader-type valves that handle these pressures, and
more.  All of the hydraulic system accumulators on the CNC machines where I
work are recharged via this sort of valve.  Some are charged to over
4000psi.  The valves don't look like anything special, just like an
all-metal tire-filler...the charging rig uses a thread-type clamp you screw
onto the valve, then a separate valve depresses the core for pressure
checking or system pressure tuning...BTW, these accumulators are a *lot*
bigger than an Audi bomb...

My couple of puffs of N2...

87 4kcsq alpine white/light grey cloth
QCUSA #1765
NW Region AQC Vice President & Event Committee Chair