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*MUCH* better performance at -1degC (29 F) -- Why ?

Hope some of you gurus can clarify this a bit for me :

Here is what i'm puzzled about:

My '87 200tq Avant, wich i've now had for 6 months, had during the summer
some sort of ketchup-effect at app. 3200rpm. Much like the i remember the
'80 200 turbo i had 10 years ago, allthough the '87tqa has better torque
above 4400 rpm, but that is the way it should be with an IC. I thought.

Now at -1 deg Celcius (29 F) , flooring it in 4th, i noticed a *MUCH*
smoother torque- build-up from app. 2500rpm.
Liked that.
Suspecting the WOT switch, i tried to use the throttle without activating
the switch i.e. app. 60 % or so.
Bottom line is: i DO have much better low end torque, and smoother
Allthough i have measured a small resistance when the WOT switch is on
<100ohms at 1-2times of 30 activations, (i know it's bad), it doesen't
appear to be the culprit here.
I do know, of cause, that air density is much greater at cold temperatures,
hence the IC.
Is this normal behavior for an '87tq or am i experiencing some sort of
heat-saturation in the IC  ?

Being somewhat uncertain of the engine, i wonder if anyone could enlighten
me on this subject:
The type is JY, has K-jetronic i think, and two oil-filters.
I don't have a boost reading on the dashboard....
The car is (I was told) is imported from Switzerland.

I know i should be able to get this info from the Danish distributor, but
they are somewhat reluctant when the car in question isn't sold by them.
Writing Audi, i get an polite answer ending with the phrase "For any further
questions we remain at your entire diposition".
Writing them again with the specific questions, i get some babble about lots
of mails, and that i should contact........the Danish distributor !

Kenn Thyrsted
'87 200tqa