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bomb recharge procedure???
In message <Pine.LNX.3.95.971126221235.16770A-100000@oak.eainet.com> Chris Maresca writes:
> > You're _SUPPOSED_ to drill into the bomb before disposing of it.
> I'm no expert, but drilling it seems pretty nuts. A better way to dispose
> of it would be to puncture the diaphragm, which, of course, would make
> recharging impossible. Still, as I said, $250 hardly seems worth all the
> trouble, unless you're going to make a business out of it.
"Vor dem Veschrotten mit Bohrer ca. 3mm [diameter] an der
gasbefuellten Seite anbohren. Dazu Schutzbrille tragen."
This note is on the exploded diagram in 'Fahrwerk Allradantrieb 07/87".
It only seems to apply to the later type of pressure accumulator, i.e.,
not the dome type fitted to early ur-quattros.
As to why - imagine one of these things winding up in a small recycling
plant with an open furnace. Don't forget the valve is still in there
on this design - so even if heat ruptures the diaphragm it will still
retain an (ever increasing) internal pressure. That isn't so for the
earlier type - lose the diaphragm and you've lost everything.
Phil Payne
Phone: +44 385302803 Fax: +44 1536723021