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re: Coupe GT performance
>From owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net Fri Nov 28 17:13:32 1997
>Received: (from majordom@localhost) by coimbra.ans.net (8.8.6/8.7.3) id
TAA19390 for quattro-outgoing; Fri, 28 Nov 1997 19:49:41 -0500 (EST)
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>X-Sender: dhead@sundial.net
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>>Rich, I had an '84 for awhile along with my 86. The 84 was a slug
>>compared to the 86, but I blame that on nearly 200,000 miles of use. I
>>don't see any reason why they should be drastically different. Sounds
>>like your 86 has a problem that is killing the HP.
>Excuuuuse me! What's wrong with over 200,000 miles?
Exactly right! I have an '84 Coupe GT with OVER 240,000 mi and it still
loves to run. (It doesn't seem sluggish either)
Keith Fahlgren
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