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Bandwith Blathering
Hi All!
>Date: Fri, 28 Nov 97 20:32:11 UT
>From: "Ian J Haseltine" <Jim_Haseltine@classic.msn.com>
>Subject: RE: MC Engine that lacks a Turbo Filter
>> The Bently manual for the 5000 (T, Q, etc.), doesn't mention anything
>> about a second turbo oil filter. All of the mechanical discussions and
>>diagrams clearly show the single oil filter design for all turbos (even
>> Diesel versions).
>See page 17.7 of Bentley 5000S, 5000CS IBSN 0 8376 0370 6,
>clearly two oil filters.
>Jim Haseltine
>88 Ur quattro
I looked at my Bentley and sure enough Jim is correct! Can't wait to
get out to look at MY car, but the wife is using test our credit card
limits today.
WARNING! SATIRE ALERT! What you have just read was composed with the
express intention of tweaking the cranky Brit Phil Payne! (Nudge and a
;-)) Am tempted to attach a 2.5meg binary (as was recently done to me by
a newbie relative that thought it would be cool to send me a Christmas
song) but will leave it at this: No need to excessively re-quote, no
need to say *me too!* no need to belabor the obvious and above all,
Now on to somewhat more serious matters. My first call for help to this
list, regarding a floppy turn signal stalk resulted in much valuable
advice. After pursing all leads, including supposedly nationwide
bone-yard lists, the best deal turned out to be a brand new
multi-function switch from Mark Davison at Adirondack Auto Brokers
http://www.germanautoparts.com for $124 shipped. I realize than many
have found better deals, but the best bone yard price I got was $75 for
*half*? and $200 for a *complete* one. I obviously didn't bother to
call an Audi dealer!
I put my 10 left thumbs to work on the projext, armed with Bentley and
Haynes. Thanks to Haynes, I was prepared for the horn pad to *require
quite an effort* to remove. If I'd only read Bentley I wouldn't have
had the nerve to pull that hard. Once it came off and my body flew back
into the seat, I discovered that I had already performed step 2:
detaching the lead. From there all went fairly well, but neither manual
detailed ALL the dissasembling that I ended up figuring out with
frustration at feeling like a the dummy that I am. These manuals sure
assume we amateur mechanics have *The Knack.* I unfortunately do not
but I sure like to do my own work instead of bending over for
*professional* repair shops.
Thanks to all who offered advice and Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Paul Kuettel
'88 5KTQ
Assorted XR4tis and Scorpios
'72 Bug (My first car, comfortably hibernating in Winter storage)