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Oval-headed Audi "valet/attendent" key blanks
In message <Pine.GSO.3.96.971127150806.23981B-100000@iglou1> "Douglas H. Quebbeman" writes:
> This "valet" key is usually an all-metal key with an oval-shaped
> head. My local Audi dealer has always insisted that these keyblanks
> are unavailable. But I wonder if they are available in Europe, and
> if so, if a European QLister might be willing to help me obtain
> some of them.
The key code consists of two parts - the blank code (two letters) and the
pattern number (digits).
The blank code is stamped on the key, and also on the 'dog-tag' that originally
comes with the keys. If you already have a valet key, let me know the blank
code and I'll ask my friendly local dealer. If you don't, send me the master
code and I'll ask. The 'valet-ness' is a function of the blank - so if I send
you a blank, any local key cutter can make you up a valet key.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club