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 -=> Quoting Phil And Judy Rose <=-

 PAJR> Excuse me, but I'm confused. By your reference to the pedal
 PAJR> "pulsating" I assume you're implying that your ABS was ON. Right? And
 PAJR> you did stop in time? Right? So what's your beef against ABS in the
 PAJR> snow? How do you offer this experience as evidence that ABS didn't work
 PAJR> to your advantage? Since I'm sure you wouldn't rather have had your V8
 PAJR> slide ever so smoothly into the rear seat of that car, you must believe
 PAJR> that you would have stopped sooner without ABS. But that's pure
 PAJR> conjecture. 
 PAJR> I disagree with your advice about deactivating ABS in the snow.

       I was kind of in a rush when I posted, I forgot to mention
       that I had to put the car in reverse to keep from
       hitting the car in front of me.  If I hadn't put it
       in reverse there would have been a collision. Sorry,
       sometimes the neuron messages get lost somewhere
       between the grey matter and the keyboard!


... Open mouth, insert foot, echo internationally.
___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30