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Re: Alternative part supliers

>My 2c on radiators-- avoid replacement radiators with plastic end tanks
you mean like the original factory part?

>  These end tanks can not be repaired
i fixed a hole in my original plastic end tank (don't ask how it got
there) with jb weld and it worked fine for 100 miles or so.  not long
after i repaired the end tank the upper hose nozzle "coincidently"
happened to break off, so i did the complete replacement.  i expect the
fan motor will go soon, now that i have had it out and didn't replace

>  The cheap one's
>I got last time were very soft, twisted quite easily, and I melted a few
>on Jetta and Golfs.  The Chinese hangers I have now are almost as stiff
>as the chain reinforced hangers, and cost less than a buck.
i replaced one hanger on my jetta biannually until i put the chain gang
to work and haven't touched any of them since (it's been 2 years).  i
always used dealer-supplied hangers before.
i now have "chains" on my tqw except for the pair holding the tailpipe.
for the total $10 difference i'd rather not worry about it any more...

>  It doesn't
>take much sophisticated western technology to make a decent chunk of
i guess germany isn't really a western country then?   =8)


to: IN:emaxon@megsinet.net
cc: IN:quattro@coimbra.ans.net