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Re: Winner of Audi's ugliest car award

On Wed, 3 Dec 1997, Eric Maxon wrote:

> Ugly???  I saw my first 100LS in a junk yard this past summer-- now THAT
> was ugly.  It didn't help that it was repainted in a rather flat powder
> blue color.  Even the interior, which has looked pretty darn cool in
> most Audis over the years, looked down right silly.  Especailly with
> regard to the new A4 and A6 bodies, I think Audi is definately on the
> leading edge with styling-- watch for Japanese and American knockoffs of
> this funky shape in the very near future.  Make fun of  'em now, but
> that look will grow on you.  (Has any Audi ever sold as well as the A4
> in the US?? People apparently like the rounded roof.)

Woa. I like my C3-type Audi (86 5kcstq), and I always liked the coupe
version of the B3-type. But nothing Audi has built since looks good.
Same for almost all other car manufacturers. Everything sucks.

You must have seen a pre-74 100LS; the short bumpers did make the
car look ungainly. But the nice big 5mph aluminum bumpers improved
the car's lines a lot; the two-door models are so sharp! 

But of course, that's just an opinion (mine), and we all know
about opinions...

-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)
Current AUDIs:
74 100LS Automatic w/Weber 32DGV (in storage awaiting restoration) [#01]
77 100LS Automatic (in driveway, rusting)                          [#06]
84 Coupe GT (Running since Jan. '97 w/dry 5sp transmission)        [#07]
86 5KCSTQ (Finally, a Quattro!)                                    [#08]
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits