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Audi Book and Spiritual Successor to the S4 sedan

	I wrote in a few days ago asking about 4000 quattros because I was reading
a book about Audi. The book is entitled :

Audi Quattro The Developement & Competition History by Jeremy Walton

	I haven't read it yet, but it has a wealth of black and white pictures. It
was first published in 1984 and I bought it at a Bargain rack my junior
year in boarding school. I am 3 years out of college, so finding it might
not be so easy. The Publisher is:

Haynes Publications Inc.
861 Lawrence Dr, Newbury Park, CA 91320 USA

	What sparked my interest in the 4000 as a third car was what looks like a
very early version of the upcoming S4.On page 217 is pictured a white
'83ish 4000 (Audi 80) with 5-lug fuchs rims, newer style Ur Quattro aero
headlamps, black leather seating with Recaros, lowered suspension and some
sort of ground effects they describe as the "tarmac racer" look. The car
was built by Audi Sport and who can guess what was under the hood? They did
not say, but the spoiler on the lower bottom of the front bumper cover
makes a cup spoiler look tame.