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RE:Re: Bogus Fuel Pump Relay in '86 5kcstq

>My '91 100 has same fuse that will not trigger any codes. A local Specialty
>repair shop could not get any codes for the car from the fuse OR the footwell
>"ports". Said my computer might be going. We both immeditely responded >"Don't 
even want to think about that"!

>Any advice from anyone would be apprciated.

What I may do with mine is mount a small pushbutton switch on 
the top of the relay in the spot where the fuse is inserted, and connect
it to a set of contacts which don't exist- I have a box of various Bosch
relays from various Audis, and I can scavange the contacts from one
of them and solder them to my fuel pump relay.

The alternative would, of course, be to purchase a proper one from
a parts supplier, either an Audi dealership or GPR, Blau, TPC,
EuroSelect, etc.

Hope that helps!

-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits