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SV: 100LS

I owned a '73 100S Coupe with inboard brakes, from '83 to '86.
What a feeling. In 8in (20cm) snow on the motorway (freeway?) i could just 
choose the fast lane doing 120-130km/h. Waching those pale-faced BMW owners 
with their white knuckles doin'  60-80 as i passed them.
I quite liked that car !  Still wondering what it clold do with a set snow 

Kenn '87 200 tqa
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra:	Andrew Buc [SMTP:72220.443@compuserve.com]
Sendt:	9. december 1997 08:32
Til:	Blind.Copy.Receiver@compuserve.com
Emne:	100LS

 > It turns out that inboard brakes are one of them nice features
 > that some  racers LIKE as it moves the heavy braking mechanism to
 > a place where it  is "sprung"

I think the trouble w/the early inboard-brake 100LS's was that they went 
brake pads like you wouldn't believe.

 > He's got a Super 90 that I'm as interested to see  as some of the
 > newer cars.

A friend of mine in Los Angeles had a Super 90 wagon, which gave him good
service for years. At the time they bought it, he and his wife chose it 
over a
Saab 95 because it was more refined. If I'd been in a position to buy a new 
car when Audi hit the States, I probably would have gone for a Super 90 
because it was a bit smaller than a 100LS.

I think this point's been touched on here b4, but the Super 90 began life 
as the

2-stroke DKW F102.

--Andrew Buc, Seattle, WA; 08-Dec-97, 21:49