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Re: Nefarious Forces !?!

At 3:51 PM -0500 on 12/10/97, Alex Kowalski (audial@aol.com) (Law Guest
Account) wrote:

> Gentlemen, based on this summary of calamities over the past few
> months, I can only presume that we have not, as a group, been paying
> enough homage to the Audi Gods _OR_ Dark Forces are working against
> us.  Hungry bears, deer falling from the sky, and all of the mishaps have
> me very, very frightened.  I'm getting out my talisman.

I was informed by the State Police here in MA that the beginning of the
winter season, marked by the first snowfall, is the worst accident period
of the year.  Guess why...people haven't been driving on slippery roads for
a good part of a year...those nice curves on the road home don't work so
well at 45 :)

Well into the winter last year, I had the unpleasant(but better than it
could have been) experience of sliding off the road into 2-3 ft of snow.
Took a curve at 10mph, shoulda done 5 :)
A classmate happened by, recognized the car, and stopped to help me dig out
the front, and I was on my way again.  No damage, just a lot of snow in the
oil cooler intake.  I was amazed at how much snow I was in and how easily
the car got out.  'Prolly would have been easier in a Q with the diffs
locked, but oh well.


Brett Dikeman
Hostes alienigeni me abduxerunt.  Qui annus est?
Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.
**Bonus points to someone who translates:"Yes, I know this sig file is
getting old"