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RE: Timing belts - age of

Changing timing belt on 10V 5cyl engine is not an easy job. It requires
removing all accesory belts, the crankshaft pulleys and gear, draining
the coolant and removing the water pump. All this much easier said than
done, because the working space (especially on turbocharged models with
intercooler) is very tight. I've heard that on 20V engines it is yet
bigger PITA. Certainly not a job I would like to do every 15k miles.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Harry R. Glesner III [SMTP:hglesner@ast.lmco.com]
> Sent:	Wednesday, December 10, 1997 10:12 PM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	Re: Timing belts - age of
> Hi Gang:
>    I'm new to this list joining it to learn some of the ways of Audi.
> I've been 
> following this "timing belt" thread for a couple of days and find
> myself 
> scratching my head...my current daily driver is a VW Jetta GLi with
> the 8v 
> engine. I've changed the timing belt every 15k along with the idler
> both parts 
> cost less that $50 US, and the agg-factor is very low. Knowing the 20v
> engines 
> are very close to the VW 16v and knowing that its an interferance
> engine is this 
> not small payment for engine life?  OR did I miss something about the
> 5 cyl 
> engine in the north south configuration as in the 80/90 cars. I
> personally think 
> I want a US '90 or '91 QCoupe am I about to learn a harsh lession or
> am I just a 
> masacuse (sp ? sorry) already?
> Rick Glesner
> '82 911 SC
> '86 Jetta GLi
> '83 Rx-7 SCCA Spec Racer