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Re: Screen Saver

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Jim Griffin wrote:

> I've been using a program called WWPlus for a couple of years now.
> It is a program that allows you to make your own "screen saver" by
> loading up pictures of your choice.

For those of you using the latest version of Windows 95 (known as
WIN95 4.00.950 B or Win95 OSR2), then there is a screen saver that
comes with it called "Flying Objects". Any bitmap file you specify
can be used by it rto display an animated flag that flaps in the wind.
This looks ver good with the classic oval Audi logo, as found on our
very own Quattro List homepage..

-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)
Current AUDIs:
74 100LS Automatic w/Weber 32DGV (in storage awaiting restoration) [#01]
77 100LS Automatic (in driveway, rusting)                          [#06]
84 Coupe GT (Running since Jan. '97 w/dry 5sp transmission)        [#07]
86 5KCSTQ (Finally, a Quattro!)                                    [#08]
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits