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I believe the advantage of running waterweter is due to the fact you 
are using water instead of coolant. Waterwetter improves the to ability 
to wet the cooling surfaces & thereby increases heat absorbtion. It wont 
raise your boiling point, however it will help with the corrosion 
issues. We have used it in our Rally Quattro with great success, we've
never run hotter than 215F regardlss of ambient temp. I think they 
recomend using up to 15% antifreeze for street use, we are using 100% 
water in the race car though. You can contact redline @ 707.745.6100,
they have always been very helpful.

                             ron wood
82 Urquattro
84 4000 Quattro
85 4000 Quattro
87.5 Coupe GT
8? Turbo Quattro Rally car