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4.2 6 Speed swap for a 90
-=> Quoting Paul E Rivera <=-
PER> Located a junk yard in Germany that has a 4.2 V8 and 6 Speed gearbox
PER> (the rest of the car as well) for a 94 V8 exclusive (stretched
PER> wheelbase V8).
PER> OK V8 fans, is this a swap that can be done easily (easily is all
PER> relative)?
PER> Any euro V8 stick owners in the audience?
PER> Price is a steep 7000 DM + shipping.
Besides the problems of engine management and updated
electronic controls from a 1994-1990 model, just
about everything is different from a stick V8 to
an Automatic V8. Exhaust, radiator, suspension,
shafts and other components I can't recall
at the moment. Since the V8, especially the
"long" version (which I believe there are none
of in the US) were Audi's flagship, and basically
a "cost no object" vehicle, the Automatic and
the Stick were both designed with their own set
of mechanical and structural components without
regard to compatibility across the same line.
If you had the whole car you'd be able to swap
assemblies and replace parts that are incompatible
as you go. With just the engine and tranny, I don't
think it would be easy, relatively or not.
... Reality-ometer: [\........] Hmmph! Thought so...
___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30