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4kQ Power Steering Pump Gone... :o(

I made a fatal error today.  When i was driving across the bay bridge, i 
voiced my surprise that i have gone 10000 miles without needing to go to 
a mechanic in my new 4kQ.  Well, apparently the Audi gods heard my 
satisfacton and decided to throw in a little bit of a reality check.  I 
was on a dirt parking lot, having a little bit of fun with the new Q, 
when i was about to leave i had to do a U turn, so i put it to full lock 
and hit the gas.  in mid U turn, i heard a loud grind, not unlike when 
you grind your gears in a missed shift, and i immediately pulled over to 
the side of the road.  I then noticed that i had no more power 
steering...not good. Then while i got hte bently, with the car off i had 
my friend try and bleed the system a little by having him turn the wheels 
lock to lock a few times, well, that wasnt too smart as it only succeeded 
in squirting ATF all over my engine bay and onto the hood.  A red 
fountain, wonderful....Well, my drive home was interesting, and it seemed 
like the steering was fighting with me for control of the car.  Not good 

OK, i am pretty sure that it is the pump, so the good news is that i have 
a nice coupe GT sitting in my driveway just taking up space, and i was 
thinking that maybei  could take that pump and throw it into the Q for a 
while.  I am trying to sell the coupe, but no one seems to be interested. 
 If this is not possible, does anyone know of a source that i could get a 
good, cheap used pump?

Anyway, i have heard that the procedure is quite easy from two sources so 
far, so i am going to attempt it myself.

Can anyone tell me of any gotchas involved with this?

Thanks in advance...
