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RE: Brakes pedal feel, 87 5K vs 89 100

Hmmmm...Maybe you're right.  The bomb in the 87 has started to go bad and
I'll be installing a new one in the next couple of weeks, so I'll see.  I
think the pedal has always felt this way though, and I actually prefer it.
The 86 4kq pedal has a similar feel, btw.  Maybe it's just a matter of what
one is accustomed to.
Dave C.

At 10:22 AM 12/17/97 -0800, you wrote:
>It sound to me like the problem is in the 87. I have never been in a 84
>-on 5000 that had a hard pedal except if the hydraulic boost system had
>a problem, like a bad boom. I don't remember any significant difference
>in feel of an 87 to 89.
>Jim Dupree
>1984 4ksq
>1984 4ks 
>>From: 	Dave Conner[SMTP:conner@grinten.cfm.ohio-state.edu]
>>Sent: 	Wednesday, December 17, 1997 3:44 AM
>>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>>Subject: 	Brakes pedal feel, 87 5K vs 89 100
>>In the "For What It's Worth Department"...
>>The brake pedal feel on these two cars is very different