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Re: UFO brake replacement update
At 03:34 PM 12/22/97 -0800, Wolff wrote:
>I take it that you are running KVR's front brakes? I'm trying to
>evaluate whether to pop for the $2500 UFO replacement or not on the '91
>200 tq. Any input?
(Wolff, I thought this might be of general interest so I've
copied to the list. Hope that's OK.)
Not quite yet. A cracked head last year kept the brake parts in
the packing boxes while the bank account recovers. Soon I
hope. BTW, the KVR folks are real nice but not very organized.
Don't expect everything to be right the first time.
To your question: Like all alterations of this kind, there are
costs other than the $2-3k for parts. You must decide how
much inconvenience you are willing to put up with in
exchange for the big brakes.
You may find it difficult to find wheels to fit around the
calipers. You may loose the ability to mount winter wheels
and tires - how does seasonal rotation of brake systems
sit with you? You may experience noise or other minor
unanticipated annoyances. You will have fewer repair options.
You may need to change the braking balance front to
rear and otherwise do development work to get it right.
Some of the BTDTs might be able to shed light on
minimizing these issues.
You might be the sort of person who loves this kind of
messing around or you may not. I think that's what it
comes down to. HTH. I'll be curious to know what
you decide.
DeWitt Harrison de@aztek-eng.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq