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Re cruise repairs

Joe- Megga thanks for your response to my cruise control questions. I am new
at this E mail stuff and appologize for not providing my name/address.To help
some others, I would like to point out some differences between the 200 and
V8. The vacuum pump is located on the drivers side in the engine compartment
behind the hyd oil reservoir. Your suspicions were right. I think the vacuum
is the problem. Here is were I stand: On the bench, the pump operates with
power applied to
the motor, but will not suck in the diaphram. Using my vacuum brake bleeder I
was able to draw in the diaphram which stayed in until I released the vacuum.
 While I was trying to suck the diaphram closed with the pump I did not have
any power to the vent valve pin. I need to be sure this pump is bad because
the dealer wants $320, and I can't find one in a junk yard.
Frank Santoro (FBFISH@aol.com)
kingsville Md