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RE: was Re: Weepy Head Gskt Fix!is stretch bolt defence clamping methods,
It is OK if you install the studs after the head is on........ (according
to Mik), which makes sense, if you use the studs the same as bolts, you
will be OK, I assumed that the studs were used also for the purpose of
Also, see Chris Semple note,
At 07:06 AM 12/29/97 -0500, you wrote:
><As for removing the studs, I knew you had to remove the studs..... no other
><way possible....as to the methods of removing a stud, that's not too big a
><deal so long as they are not frozen in place!!!!!!!.
>What's the deal with this? Is there some insurmountable interference problem?
>I been planning to use studs on the 4KQ race car.....