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Pagid pads comments please?

I have two Audi 100s and recently fitted new Pagid pads to each. Performance
seems just the same as OE pads, and 500% better than the Italian rubbish,
the brand name of which I cannot remember, which I misguidedly fitted to one
of these vehicles previously, and not that much more expensive. They also
came complete with replacement heat shields and securing bolts, unlike their
nasty Latin predecessors.

The brake discs were replaced on both cars at the same time, both with the
same brand (Zimmermann), yet one squeals a little and the other not at all.
So it seems the unique characteristics of the individual vehicle contribute
as much to squealing as the particular brand of pads.

Cumbria, UK.

Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 14:14:49 -0600 (CST)
 randrews@post.cis.smu.edu (Robert Paul Andrews) enquired:
Subject: Pagid pads comments please?
I am thinking about running Pagid pads on my next time changing pads.  EC
a good review of them with their A4.  Does anyone care to comment.  Also,
does anyone know if they squeel at all?  That is a big one in my book.