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Re: Being One's Own Mechanic

Phil Payne wrote:
> In message <"971230162651Z.WT06713.  0*/PN=William.Elliott/O=LNGW/PRMD=MEI/ADMD=ATTMAIL/C=US/"@MHS> William Elliott writes:
> > (Yes, I have backup transportation...my Corvair and my wife's TR6...)
> As _BACKUP_  ??
> Words fail me.

I was thinking the same thing, but then I have an Audi for backup of my
backup quattro.... I'm not sure if I'm using sound reasoning there.
'91 200 20v tq 	Leaking radiator, front suspension in pieces
'86 4000 q 	Leaking brake press. reg., weak battery,old timing belt
'84 4000	Very stiff clutch pedal