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Re: '91 200q front spoiler pictures
As far as the wind brake goes, I was taking photos of my place, cars,
beaches etc to take back and show relatives at Christmas time. Photos
were *not* taken with the intention of pointing out mods, etc. As it
happened I was going surfing that day, hence the log on my roof. I don't
keep the rack on unless I'm using it, though the wind faring does
significantly reduce wind noise, FYI.
Will take better photos later when I get time. Thanks for hosting the
photos. Please let us all know when you get any other 200qs up. I would
really like to see other mods to 200s, but haven't seen many.
Happy new year!
91 200q
86 5ktq
Henry Harper wrote:
> They are up - http://www.srv.net/~hah/audi/sarge.htm
> Enjoy!
> Anyone else? Shall I start a 91 200q gallery?
> BTW, I'd like to be the first to welcome you to 1998.
> Henry Harper
> http://www.srv.net/~hah
> 1991 200 quattro, 81k
> 1988 GTI 16v, 173k