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Re: 82 4000S No Start

Lenny Seidman wrote:
> My newly purchased 82 4000s has been trouble fre until this morning.
> Last night was the first really cold night here in Philly(10°). When I
> went out to start the car this afternoon(temp still in the 20's) the
> starter would crank fine but the car just wouldn't start. I tried
> without gas for several time. Then with giving it gas as I turned the
> key and starter Nothing. This is the first (believe it or not) fuel
> injected car I have owned so I'm not sure what to check or look for. I
> jhave a feeling its a moisture problem-possible water in the lines or
> injectors that froze. I took off the spark plug closest to the front and
> it was dry as a bone.

Thanks to all those who replied. I did check the normal fuel pump fuse
and jumped the relay only to hear it work. And then I waited until the
weather was in the low 50's today to let the moisture(if any) thaw out.
Then I started to check the basics-No spark at the plugs is what I
found. I proceeded to remove the distributor cap and looked at the
rotor. The edge had some corrosion on it and I cleaned it up, put it
back together and the car started and ran like nothing was ever wrong.
Lenny Seidman
Elkins Park, Pennsylvania, USA  
email: lseidman@erols.com