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This welcome message isn't the first (or second, or third) message for the
mailing list, but I thought I should do it anyway.
I'm Tom Haapanen, and while I don't own a Quattro of any kind (only 2 VWs),
I have been following them since the WRC debut back in '81. I thought it
was about time there was a place to talk about them, and I'm happy to see
that quite a few other people think so, too.
Now ... what's appropriate for this list:
* Rallying discussions (WRC, SCCA, ...)
* Racing discussions (Trans-Am, IMSA GTO, GTCC, ...)
* Technical discussions
* Buying or (hopefully not) selling a Quattro
* Driving experiences * New product info
* ... and any other quattro-related information
The inappropriate list is much shorter: * Flaming and obnoxious
* Discussions about the Espace Quadra
* ... and any non-quattro-related topics
Now that that's over with, I'll make my next posting a Who's Who of the
mailing list.
[ \tom haapanen --- university of waterloo --- tom@mims-iris.waterloo.edu ]
[ "i don't even know what street canada is on" -- al capone ]
From: Tom Haapanen <tom@mims-iris.waterloo.EDU>Subject: Who's Who
[Please correct any errors or omissions in this list! --th]
Bruce Hochuli hochuli@sj.ate.slb.com '86 Audi Quattro
Deepak Vaidya dv@welchlab.welch.jhu.edu '88 Chevrolet Celebrity
Eric Fluhr gt6493c@prism.gatech.edu '85 Audi Coupe GT
Eric Nahum nahum@cs.umass.edu '86 Audi 4000 quattro
Eliot Dudley edudley@rodan.acs.syr.edu '84 Audi 4000 quattro '86 Audi 4000
Eliot Lim eliot@lanmola.engr.washington.edu '90 Audi V8 quattro
Glen Powell powell@interlan.interlan.com '85 Audi Quattro '73 Pontiac
Jacob Kornerup kornerup@cs.utexas.edu
Jonathan Swaby jfs10@psuvm.psu.edu
Mike Dobosz dobosz_m@wfooff.enet.dec.com '85 Volkswagen Quantum
Mike Finegan mfinegan@uceng.uc.edu '86 Audi 4000 quattro
Paul Timmerman ptimmer@kathy.jpl.nasa.gov '82 Audi Quattro
Roger Sanderson rsanders@sunee.waterloo.edu '86 Audi 4000 quattro
Tarl Neustaedter tarl@apache.sw.stratus.com '91 Audi 80 quattro
Steve Thompson olin@cheme.tn.cornell.edu '86 Audi 4000 quattro '83
Porsche 928
Thomas Szabo tms@rsch.oclc.org
Ti Kan ti@bazooka.altos.com
Tom Haapanen tom@mims-iris.waterloo.edu '90 Volkswagen Golf GTI 16V '86
Volkswagen Golf GTI
Tom Huschilt tom2@mims-iris.waterloo.edu '84 Audi Coupe GT '83 Audi
'85 Volkswagen Window Van '71 Volkswagen Type 3
[ \tom haapanen --- university of waterloo --- tom@mims-iris.waterloo.edu ]
[ "i don't even know what street canada is on" -- al capone ]