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Salvaged MAC11b ECU Modified, Up & Running


I'm surprised it worked... I decided to work on it last weekend. I 
tried to clip pins off with a pair of dykes, but there wasn't enough
clearance to get in there.

So last night, I finally broke down and bought a Dremel Moto-Tool,
and took the chip off with a cutting wheel. Unfortunately, I tried
to do it at my poorly-lit dining room table instead of downstairs
at my workbench with its fluorescent-lighted magnifier, and I managed
to dig thr cutting wheel all the way through the large supply trace
to the EPROM (ground or Vcc, can't recall which end is which on
an EPROM), as well as one other trace.

Repaired the tiny trace by soldering one of the removed EPROM pins
across the breach, and fixed the large supply trace with a piece of
copper solder-wick. Used silver solder for both repairs. Cleaned
up the holes with solder wick, cleaned up the rosin/flux with 
acetone, and then soldered on a cheapo Aries ZIF socket.

Lastly, I burned a 2764 with the MAC11b code sent to me by
one of the QLCC-ers, plugged it into the socket, and started the
engine. No limp-home mode, good sign.

Shut down, ran output tests, everything worked. Started up,
warmed it up, took off for a full-boost run, came back and ran
the input tests. No codes!

So, now I need a source for the wastegate spring everyone calls
a Charlie spring. Plus, I need to review the archives from Oct
to the present, as I recall the MAC11b mods were discussed
in some detail during the last few months. 

Plus, I need to consider securing my intercooler caps, and possibly
adding a blow-by valve. Dang, my michelin man hose is nearly
brand-spanking new!

It's starting to get very, very fun...
-Douglas Hurst Quebbeman (dougq@iglou.com)            [Call me "Doug"]
74 100LS Auto, 77 100LS Auto, 84 Coupe GT, 86 5Kcstq
"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away."  -Tom Waits