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Just to add to this thread...

In south-west England this week a 24 year old man offered to teach a young
female friend how to drive. Sensibly, he picked a car park in which to give
her a chance to try out the car. Unfortunately, he chose a car park at a
place called St Anne's Head (it may have been called St Agnes Head - I cant
remember exactly). Now, anyone who is at all familiar with the construction
of English place names is probably way ahead of me - the girl went for the
brakes but the car rocketed across the car park, through some guard rails,
along a narrow gully and over the  edge of the cliffs to end up in the sea
some 200 feet below. Luckily for the girl, the drivers door was ripped off
in the gully and she was thrown clear - the young man was rather less

Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro