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Re: Steamboat event-possible reservations

Hi folks,

I'm going to add one more hotel to Chad's list. This is a
brand new Ramada Inn and has a restaurant and lounge (most
important). I've
already made reservations there for me and my son Jason.

Ski Town Inn  1800 754-8696
$79 single 
$84 double

Normal rates are $120 +, Mention the quattro group when you
make reservations.

Disclaimer: I know the sales and marketing Mgr. at this
hotel in fact my wife worked for him at another hotel he
owned.  Hence the good rates.

Hope to see you there, First beer is on me -  Fat Tire for
you Scott J.! 


PS You don't have to stay there to get my beer offer,  you
do have to show up to drink it and enjoy quattro

> From: Sherry & Chuck Clark <clark@rmi.net>
> 1) Holiday Inn (970) 879-2250
>    $139 per night-ouch!
> 2) Comfort Inn (970) 879-6669
>    $99 per night
> 3) Rabbit Ears Motel (970) 879-1150
>   $109 per night, free continental breakfast,
>     hairdryers in the rooms,etc
> 4) Super 8 Motel (970) 879-5230
>   $58.50 per night-quattro discount
> 5) Nites Rest (970) 879-1212
> $75 per night or,
> $125 per night for 3 double beds
> 6) Nordic Lodge 1-800-364-0331
> $76.50 per night -quattro discount
>   So as you can see, Super 8 Motel, although it's no Ritz
Carlton, is the
> cheapest and the Lady I spoke with in person(Lynne) was
very nice and willing to
> give us a discount based on 3 rooms occupancy. Three of
the six places are 
> located within walking distance of each other (Super 8,
Comfort Inn, Holiday Inn)
> and are also the furthest from town but close to the ice
track. Most places would
> like at least 1 week advance reservations but of course
it depends on occupancy
> at the time. So although I don't need a place to
stay(relatives, and if it was up to
> me I'd let all of you stay there in sleeping bags but it
isn't up to me) I hope this
> helps and I'll be willing to help coordinate everyone's
plans through private
> e-mail. Take care,
> Chad Clark '87 5k Tq
> Colorado Springs, CO